90 Minutes In Heaven by Don Piper
This was the true story of Baptist minister Don Piper. Mr. Piper was killed in a car accident and was dead for ninety minutes. He came back to life, with the memories of what heaven was like; and in this book he shared his experience of his long road to recovery and how it tested his faith.
My favorite chapter was the one entitled, "Touching Lives." In it, Mr. Piper detailed how he was able to comfort, connect, and inspire others just by sharing his story. At first, he was afraid to share his story for fear of skepticism, but the more he was able to speak about himself, the more he felt that he was doing God's work.
Reading about Mr. Piper's struggles and fears, and, ultimately courage, gave me inspiration on how I can continue to, in some small way, touch the lives of the men in my community here. My greatest opportunity is through AVP, and the book has recharged my "fuel tank," so to speak, to continue on this journey.
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