The Gallup Organization, famous for its Gallup Polls, is a company built on the premise that every person has their own individual talent and strength. Mr. Rath further explains in the book that Gallup developed an assessment test that divides our talents into 34 underlying themes. Once you know these themes, you focus on them. In essence, you develop your strengths and do not focus on your weaknesses.
I used to work for Gallup as a Marketing Interviewer, and I saw these beliefs manifested on a daily basis. The concepts in the book were easy for me to grasp as a result. At Gallup, the studies we were assigned to and the separate teams we were placed in correlated in some way with our strengths. Everything was built on the premise that we build each other up. It was a very positive work environment.
The actual assessment test is online. When I was first interviewed, the process was done over the phone through an unusual personality-based question and answer session. They never published our themes, although we were informed of some of them through the positions we held and responsibilities we had.
This book provided me with new insight into all the themes at play in each of us. I really liked how they described each talent, typical things a person with that talent might say, what career that person would excel in, suggestions to become more personally fulfilled if you have that theme, and finally, how to work or interact with a. person that has a particular talent. So even if I do not have a particular talent but recognize it in somebody else, I have a reference guide on how to realize their full potential.
This would be perfect even in here. We have many personalities at play, and this book helps me remember each person has their own innate strength to develop. If I can assess and evaluate a person, I am more likely to understand their individual motivations - which would make every personal and interactive situation I encounter a new challenge on how to maximize our strengths for the greater good. I can apply this practically anywhere — with my fellow Peer Health Educators, with my fellow Alternatives to Violence Project Facilitators, even on the football field with my teammates. I should be able to get along with most of those that I encounter — and in situations where our opinions differ, conflicts arise, or misunderstandings happen — I can always refer back to this book on how best to connect with that other person.